I'm still waiting for my motivation at work to kick back in. Part of it is that every time that I get things ready at work, I have to stop and pump (Repeat: three times a day). I also have a rotation student working with me this quarter, making it even more impossible to get anything done. The good news is that it *seems* as though my paper was accepted for publication. Here is what the email says:
“I have the final materials for your paper and am just waiting to get some information from our production staff about schedules for next issues, so should be able to finish the processing of those materials soon.”
Never once does the email say the word ACCEPTED... but it all sounds very positive. That would be a huge step in the right direction. Additionally, Topher and I booked our flight to New Haven at the beginning of October where we will both be giving talks. Bex's first of many trans-american flights. Also we have Topher's mom visiting this weekend and then one of my besties, Moriah is coming to visit in October too! Yahoo!
Here is a pic of Bex and Toph soaking in his vitamin D at the park across the street from our house. Note his fabulous outfit compliments of Carlos n Betsy.