Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to work

Lani went back to work today so Bex and I spent our first day together- just the two of us. Except for a brief bottle feeding crisis (turns out Bex isnt a huge fan of spoiled milk), everything went pretty smoothly. We went for a long walk on the embarcadero and generally took it pretty easy. Lani will be home with the boy tomorrow while I go to work, and the plan is to alternate days during the month of August. We will have daycare 4 days a week during September and then 5 days a week starting in October. I have to admit that I am excited to get back to lab but I am sure that I will miss the boy during the day, as Lani said she did today.


  1. You must have an abundance of clown noses. It's a good thing, too, because you never know when you'll really need one.

  2. Sounds like you two have a great transitional plan going. Now is the time to teach Bex not to be a picky eater. If milk is only a little spoiled, no problem.

  3. That sounds like a pretty great schedule to me! I didn't realize Lani would be back to work so soon. Can I just snuggle that baby already??

  4. Looking forward to meeting this (already) non-traditional little guy!

    Who knew green clown noses were even available?

    Zia Gianna
