Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby's First Wig

We busted out Baby's First Wig again this weekend when we couldn't find Bex's other hat. It is quite fetching and it matches his winter coat perfectly! He was hilarious in it. Thanks to Auntie Lia who made this for him when he was just a baby- turns out that it doubles as Toddler's Second Wig.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Clare sitting

We had a special treat of Clare coming over for a bit the other night. Her parents were out and about so she came over and spent a little time with Bex. They had a great time and more than once- Clare decided that she would sit in Bex's lap while they had a snack. They are pretty damn cute together...

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Sorry that I've been so bad at posting lately. We have been a little busy here in CT. We are constantly looking at houses to buy, which is very exciting and we've had visitors too. Grandma from California came to visit and we are supposedly having Uncle Colin visit in a few weeks (although I won't believe this, until I see it!) I promise that we have had lots of fun despite being a bad blogger. Here is just one example of what we have been doing to keep ourselves entertained.

Here is the inspiration from Pinterest:

Here is how Bex's hammock worked out. He was quite comfortable and almost fell asleep while reading books:

Monday, February 11, 2013


Bex seems to enjoy the snow and even found a friend on the street... check out Bex and Clare's faces in the last sledding picture.


There is a little snow on my car too...

But don't worry because there is an organized shoveling brigade going around the neighborhood that is fueled only on Bourbon...


We have a little snow on our street....