Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Second my emotion

We have been practicing our colors, numbers, and emotions. Here is just a little example:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Wintery Mix

Has anyone out in the blog-o-sphere heard of a "Wintery Mix?" That is the weather forecast here in New Haven. It is a mix of snow, sleet, rain, and ice and it makes for really really bad roads. It is supposed to warm up from the 10 degrees that it has been, to 45 degrees in a two day period of time with the middle consisting of "wintery mixes." I'm learning that the east coast has strange weather. Wintery mixes, Noreasters, and Super Storms are not what I expected when I moved here. Bex doesn't seem to mind the weather...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MLK Science Center Day

For Martin Luther King day Jeff (Clare's dad) and I took the kids to the Hartford Science Center. It was a zoo because kids from everywhere flocked there on a freezing cold day off of school. We made the best of it and had a great time. Bex and Clare played in the water area (note his awesome smock) and as you will see Bex had a constant Squint-Face because he kept getting splashed. Bex also had a fabulous time digging for Dinosaur bones with the paintbrush. It was all fun and games until the animatronic Dinosaur started Roaring (note Bex's face again!)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Date night

Bex and Clare sat down at their table at Clare's house and ate a very nice dinner together while the parents stood around the kitchen drinking wine. Quite a lovely evening for everyone involved.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

More more more...

Here are even more pics of Bex at Kidcity! He really likes the playscapes with all of the holes that he can climb under and stand up. He is modeling a few of them in the following pics. Also he has totally graduated to the big kid slide which is great except my fear of him breaking his leg increases with every slide. We are just waiting for our next visitors to come so that we can show them the awesomeness that is Kidcity.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Auntie May-May in New Hay Hay

We had a very special guest this past week, Auntie Mary!! She came all the way from San Francisco just to see us. We had the best time and it really made 2013 start off with a big fabulous bang. It was really amazing because our friend Betsy is moving to Amherst which is only about 1.5h away and so her and our friend Carlos were also in town so it felt like we really had good friends around. It was awesome! Bex took Auntie May-May (that is how Bex says Mary) to KidCity and showed her all the cool things. He had a blast playing with her. After Mary left Bex went into her room and said May-May?? Needless to say, we are all terribly sad that she is back on the left coast :(

Friday, January 4, 2013

snow cat

Here are some pics of Bex in the snow!! Now that we have busted out the hand-me-down snowsuit, Bex is a very happy boy outside. His new thing is to sit down in the middle of the side-walk and asks to be covered in snow. He loves it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Color me happy

Bex has been having a wonderful time with all his many many Christmas presents. Here he is featuring stickers from the back of the calendars that Grandpa Steve and Susan Joy gave us and he is also showing off his COLOR quiet book that aunt Kory made for him. He loves all his presents big and small and loves going into his room and seeing new things (like a musical moose, an awesome talking flashlight, a wooden alphabet, a bear in a backpack and so much more!) Next post we will promise to show the snow that is still around!