Monday, July 18, 2011

Sir Cheeks-A-Lot

We have cheeks folks! Here is Bex at one week and one month for comparison. His cheeks are definitely coming in. We are headed for Alaska to visit the family tomorrow and we are crossing our fingers for easy-cry-free-flying. We both feel that we have lucked out with Bex because he is literally on day 6 of NO crying. My friend described him as a "trick baby" (one that tricks you into having another baby). Don't worry we aren't falling for it!


ps. Bex has a full on skullet too (you know, bald on top of the head, long in the back). I haven't been able to capture the full effect on film yet. Something for everyone to look forward to.


  1. I knew he was going to be such a good little baby, but no crying for days in a row?! That is just insanity. He is most definitely up to something.

  2. Wow, he is a real lil guy now, no more scrawny baby here.

  3. What a beautiful babe! Sure wish I were close enough to hold and hug him. xoxo TGA
