Thursday, August 25, 2011

Keeping it personal

Bex received his very first personalized item this afternoon. Look at the most wonderful hat (and model) made by his aunt Jane. He is really posing for this pic! Thanks aunt Jane!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Girl Talk

Recently Bex has been mistaken for a girl quite a few times. We think that it has to do with the appearance of long lashes. He must get these from his father (why do the guys always get the great lashes?!?) He has been called rose bud and beautiful girl. I can assure everyone that he is definitely a boy, with boy-like characteristics. First off he is sweaty... very, very sweaty. While burping him he has also started turning directly into my face before belching. He is also wakes himself up in the night by passing gas. He is definitely a boy! Here are a few pics of him looking very masculine ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011


Happy day everyone. We just got back from Bex's first road trip. We drove down to Monterey to spend an evening with Topher's dad, meaning that Bex has now had the honor of meeting each and every one of his immediate family members (lucky boy!) We then woke up bright and early and headed down to Ventura to hang with friends at the beach. Bex did great on the road and although he didn't love the beach and ocean like his dad, he did love walking up and down the beach in the ergo. We got back on Sunday night and Beast was so so thrilled to see us. We are back in SF for awhile and both start work full-time after labor day so we are savoring the days off with the boy. Below is a creepy picture of Bex with Duke's realistic newborn doll. It was amazing how much they looked alike back before Bex started really packing on the poundage.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Two Months

Bex had his three month doctor appointment on Friday. He weighed in at 12 pounds 5 ounces and is two feet long. He officially out grew beast (not in fierceness though). He also had to get lots of vaccines. He had to drink down the rotovirus vaccine and then had three shots in the thighs. He took them like a champ, although he did let out a terrible high-pitched scream. He only cried for about thirty seconds before calming down. We left the doctor expecting a fever later that night, but low and behold, keeping with his perfect baby status, he did not seem to have any adverse reaction to the immunizations (besides the need for lots of cuddling). Here are the pics from week one, month one, and now month two.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bex Upstaged

I was taking Bex for a walk this morning and we stopped to get a pastry and a cup of coffee. Bex was sleeping in the stroller, as usual, exactly as pictured above. The woman in front of me in line saw that I had a stroller and peeked in to get a glimpse, of Bex, I assumed. But instead, she looked up at me and said, "That is a beautiful blanket, is it handknitted?". I said yes, that his Aunt Kory had knitted the blanket for him, and she said, "Wow, that is wonderful work for such a young knitter." No mention or acknowledgement of the baby under the blanket- I could have been walking a sack of flour as far as she was concerned. Bravo, Kory.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mr. Smiley

Bex is officially starting to smile. It isn't always in response to anything but it is happening. I'm convinced that he smiles when he makes eye contact with me, but then he just ends up pooping. He still gets very serious sometimes, as shown below with Mr. Elephante (compliments from Auntie Emma from Chile).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Suck It

Today was mom and Bex day. We had a very exciting day that included a long walk, delicious pastries, a visit from friends, and last but not least: a pacifier photo shoot. At my baby shower, my friends created a pacifier necklace for me and I have been so pumped for Bex to be old enough to try them out. I think he looks fabulous!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We took Bex to Alaska last week to visit his grandparents, aunt lia, and cousins Huck and Duke. We had a great time and Bex seemed to have no problem with the travel. He slept almost the entire flight both ways and was generally pretty mellow. We took Bex down the Kenai peninsula on one day to see Seward and we also took him to Whittier. I went fishing one day with Lani's dad and uncle adn caught a couple pretty big salmon. Lots of quality time at the house and relaxing in the jacuzzi. It was especially nice being able to hand Bex off so Lani and I could soak in peace together.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to work

Lani went back to work today so Bex and I spent our first day together- just the two of us. Except for a brief bottle feeding crisis (turns out Bex isnt a huge fan of spoiled milk), everything went pretty smoothly. We went for a long walk on the embarcadero and generally took it pretty easy. Lani will be home with the boy tomorrow while I go to work, and the plan is to alternate days during the month of August. We will have daycare 4 days a week during September and then 5 days a week starting in October. I have to admit that I am excited to get back to lab but I am sure that I will miss the boy during the day, as Lani said she did today.