Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Prius Time

Topher and I made the biggest purchase of our lives and bought a Prius. We did a ton of internet research about buying cars and went to two different dealerships and ended up feeling really good about the price and the people that we bought it from. It is super fun to drive and every time you brake you can literally see the battery charging. Pretty fun. It says that it gets 600miles to the tank. We'll see if that is true. The other really cool thing is the it connects to your phone via blue tooth so you can play any music/podcasts from your phone and also makes calls from your steering wheel. Pretty fun. Here are some pics of us buying the car. Pardon the movie of me on the car- Topher thought he was taking a picture.


Bex has been loving the playground lately. He runs everywhere and plays with all the older kids. Everyone there knows his name. It is like being at Cheers. I will try to post a short movie of him chasing tennis balls with the older kids.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Bex is really evolving as an artist as you will see below. I think that they do art in class at school just about everyday now. It started with just a few rare finger paintings and now he has used crayons and dotting markers and glitter. Needless to say that he still really likes day care. This month of July the school is celebrating Dr. Suess (hence Bex's funny hat and whiskers in one of the pics below).

We are currently in the worst summer storm since we have arrived and apparently there is even a possibility of a tornado. Crazy! I thought that Lia was the only sister that had to deal with tornadoes. I wouldn't normally mind but Topher is at work tonight and the thunder is LOUD! In general the summer storms are awesome and the rain is welcome to cool off the day.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

crazy adventures

This weekend was full of fun and excitement. On Saturday we biked to the first concert in the park of the season. Bex walked around everywhere going crazy and clapping at the crowd. On Sunday we played at the playground, drove to the animal farm where Bex ran wild and saw the chickens, went to Toddler Tunes in the park, then stumbled upon a free block party on the street next to ours. Topher ran into someone that he knew from Stanford there (small world!) In all my spare time (when Bex was napping) I made a stuffed mustache that I saw on Pinterest. We are tired but have a great avocado, corn, salad awaiting (a recipe also from Pinterest).

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Bex has recently expanded his food horizons by a ton. He now liked refried beans, strawberries, cheese, yogurt, meatballs, peas, blueberries (but not the skins, which he carefully removes from his mouth), mac n' cheese, goldfish, cheerios, corn, and WATERMELON.

Friday, July 20, 2012

bad blogger

I've been a bad blogger. I have tried to post multiple movies but blogger is being a pain. Here is yet another attempt at a not-so-awesome-very-tired-baby-bex-movie.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


We had our first beach day in CT. We went to a teeny tiny Bex-sized beach that was great for kiddos. It was the first time that Bex actually enjoyed the beach. He ran into the water and played in a big hole full of water that I made. I think that the highlight was that he got to see a dog swimming. We had a great time but we were all super tired when we got home. The beach was only 15 minutes away and there is another one that we want to try out that should be nicer and is definitely a lot bigger.

Check out our set up with the umbrellas- Topher is very proud that our set up was the best on the beach!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

sitting sooo big

Bex insists on sitting on his little stool to drink these days. He still has a bottle in the morning and at night but then he drinks from sippy cups the rest of the time. He continues to be just about the best baby ever and hasn't complained at all despite a huge front tooth coming in. We are hoping to head to the beach tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I just got back from the most fabulous trip to Portland for one of my best friend's bachelorette weekend. It was so wonderful to see good friends again and flying sans Bex was very relaxing! The trip was rounded out with me seeing another best friend that lives in Portland and her little boy that definitely made me miss Bex and seeing Kory and my little furry niece and nephew (her very fun cats who are amazingly well-behaved in comparison to beast). It was really a wonderful trip and Topher was dad of the year and watched Bex all weekend and sent me pictures of all their adventures. I didn't worry about Bex in the slightest and only worried about Topher not getting to relax at all himself. Made me realize how lucky we are to have our little family (even if it is in the wrong location).

Here are some pics from my weekend along with the pics of Bex that I was getting throughout the weekend. First a pic of my bestie Tara, followed by a pic of me and the bachelorette Mary, the girls wine tasting and then 80's dancing, and finally my boy!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

We had an awesome 4th of July!! Topher and I both had to work half a day but then we went over a friend's house (actually one of Bex's friend's) for a 4th of July BBQ. We found out that the biter of Bex from daycare was in fact his friend Clare! Ha! The pictures below will hopefully show that she is  a nice baby most of the time. It was nice to be celebratory and outside in the warm- no hot- weather. Despite being Alaskan, I think that I'm fairing better in the heat than Topher. We ate pulled pork, Bex got in the kiddie pool, and I brought sparklers for everyone. It was quite festive and nice to not be stuck in our apartment.

Monday, July 2, 2012

carrot top

This weekend we went to whole foods and Bex picked out a little something all by himself. He touched a lot of the fruit and veggies (a reason to wash your produce from the grocery store that I had not appreciated) before eventually carefully choosing a giant carrot. He was so proud of this carrot! He went around showing it to everyone in the store and loved chewing on the end of it. He looked ridiculously cute. Included are a few pics of the carrot incident and a few oldies but goodies of Bex and crazy aunt Katie from NYC.