Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Ron Swanson

Bex is a very restless sleeper. Here is a video of him sleeping. Turn up the volume to hear his little squeaks... I hope that this works!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sir Cheeks-A-Lot

We have cheeks folks! Here is Bex at one week and one month for comparison. His cheeks are definitely coming in. We are headed for Alaska to visit the family tomorrow and we are crossing our fingers for easy-cry-free-flying. We both feel that we have lucked out with Bex because he is literally on day 6 of NO crying. My friend described him as a "trick baby" (one that tricks you into having another baby). Don't worry we aren't falling for it!


ps. Bex has a full on skullet too (you know, bald on top of the head, long in the back). I haven't been able to capture the full effect on film yet. Something for everyone to look forward to.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bex's first road trip

We took Bex on a little vacation earlier this week to beautiful Mendocino. The drive seemed a little longer than we remembered, mostly because our Subaru station wagon is much smaller on the inside than it looks on the outside. Once we got there though, everything was wonderful. Lani got a facial, Topher got a massage, and Bex got some quality time in his vibrating chair. Bliss for all. We ate some good food and went to the beach, although, as always, it was a little foggy and cold up there. Had an ocean view from our room and spent a bit of time on the porch reading books. We even saw a whale and managed to watch the women's world cup victory over France. USA! USA!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sweet child of mine

Bex is quickly learning what it means to be my child. The lucky boy will be subjected to many more of these wonderful moments full of costumes and imagination. The first picture is especially for his cousins Huck and Duke, who are already great little fishermen. The next photo is Bex trying to fit in with the Beast and the last is Bex looking quite dapper as a pirate.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

East Coast Y'all

We are loving our vacation mode and Bex is still being just about the best baby ever. We are staring to mentally prepare for our East Coast move (although we still think that the West is the Best) by having Bex's auntie Sarah visit. Additionally, Bex has been sporting his brand new Ivy League garb thanks to auntie Janet.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beast and Bex

We are pleased to say that the Beast has not killed or maimed Bex yet. If fact, to our knowledge, the beast has not made a serious attempt on Bex's life (knock on wood). The Beast seems largely apathetic towards Bex, with a healthy dose of curiosity thrown in for good measure.

Not a lot of other news on the home front. The days seem suprisingly short considering we have nothing to do. The weather has been wonderful and we are enjoying showing Bex the various sites and sounds of San Francisco.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A boy and his father

Me and Bex relaxing on the couch. Just another day for the Keller-Carroll family.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Vibrations

Bex has had a VERY active social life and attended THREE BBQs this weekend. He was exhausted and a bit fussy after all the stimulation. Nothing that a vibrating chair can't handle!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

More Pics

Alive and well at 2.5 weeks. Here is a bit of Bex's adventures from hospital to visitors to home.

Baby Bex is Trending Now...

We are officially starting our blog. The name is still up for debate, some contenders are Bextastic, The world according to Bex, Bexilicous, Bex or Bust, The Bex and the Beast, etc. We hope to be good bloggers but time will tell if we can really keep this thing up to date. We will hopefully post pictures of the boy and notes to keep family and friends up to date. Enjoy!