Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Bex Bite

When we went to pick up Bex tonight from day care we were informed that there was an "incident" which included Bex being bitten by another kid!! It just doesn't seem fair because Bex can't fight back with his one half of one tooth. Alas, the "incident report" is hilarious. It is below and my favorite part is "equipment involved"which just states: Teeth. He did in fact have a pretty awesome bite mark on his left arm which I tried to take a picture of but it didn't turn out great. This is the second incident report- the first one was that he tripped over his croc shoes and landed face first on a toy truck- giving him a pretty great little shiner on the eye. I'm hoping that this all just goes with the territory of running around the room like a crazy person.


  1. little bastard! get the biter!!!!

    just kidding. bex is tough. i think he could handle it. pretty sure colin bit topher a few times... maybe it was the other way around. don't remember. but look how that turned out.

  2. My mind stopped working at the word 'crocs'.

  3. Incident reports are always entertaining. Our favorite one for David (so far) involved his falling into a bush. Good times!

  4. Doh! Perhaps you should enroll that kiddo in some self defense classes!


  5. Poor Bex - good thing he is one tough guy! Your weekend sounded like a mini vacation filled with family, friends and fun! TGA
