Monday, May 21, 2012

Naked after a long weekend

We had a very long and fun weekend. We went to Boston for a friend's wedding celebration this weekend. We stayed in some shady hotel and took Bex with us to the party. He did great (and even rocked the dance floor) until about 9pm and then he was just finished. The next morning we drove into Cambridge and had breakfast with a friend that Topher went to grad school with. Bex had an awesome time running around the playground in Cambridge and walking up and down the hall of our friend's very un-child-friendly apartment. We then drove back to New Haven (about 2.5h and Bex slept the ENTIRE way) and went to a BBQ at one of Topher's colleague's houses in a neighborhood where we may potentially buy next year. It was a very fun and busy weekend to say the least. Bex unwound by doing a little laundry...