Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Last Sunday Meg and I went on a nice long walk with Bex. We ended up at the Yale Peabody museum which is pretty awesome for being the local museum. Anyone with a Yale ID gets in for free so it is wonderful for us and I think that Bex will grow up learning a lot about Dinosaurs! The Peabody specializes in Dino bones! Topher met us there after a bit. Bex loved looking up so high to see the Dinos and he also loved banging on the glass of the dioramas :)


  1. He's waiting for us before he walks, right?!

    Your mom

  2. Tyranosaurus Bex?

  3. Did Bex catch on that the saber tooth cat in the museo was Beast's ancestor? Of course, a saber-tooth was too big to crawl in the cabinet and behind the wall-board. . .

    xxoo Zia Gianna
