Monday, May 7, 2012


We are so so lucky to have cousin Meg nearby!! She took the train down from Poughkeepsie, NY and into New Haven for the weekend and we had the best time. It is just so nice to: 1) Have some family relatively close and 2) To have some help with Bex!! We had a bunch of adventures including a walk through the Yale campus, a trip to the playground, our first BBQing outside, a visit to the Peabody museum, dining outside at the local market, and more. I feel like she was here a lot longer than just one night. We will definitely miss her over the summer. However we have a few big weekends coming up. Next weekend we have a wedding in NYC and Topher's mom is coming to visit! The next weekend we are going to Boston for another friend's wedding celebration! The next week my mom and sister come to visit!! As my cousin Wylie would say... YYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun! Bex's fancy shirt looks even better in pictures...
