Saturday, April 14, 2012


Bex turned 10 months old on Friday and he is just a bundle of laughs and crawls and squirms and the occasional scream at 2am. We have a regualr night routine so putting down down to sleep is a piece of cake. We start with dinner at 7 followed by a bath and a bottle and then down right around 8pm. He is exhausted by that time and it gives us some time alone at night for a glass of wine and some Madmen (great show if you haven't seen it!) We went to a BBQ this afternoon with some friends of my friend Margo's little sister (yes, we are reaching out to everyone we can find.) We discovered Bex's love for the swing. He is a swinger, and a very happy one. Here is a movie that I hope posts okay (otherwise I will include just pics).


  1. Oh yes! He has that awesome baby laugh going on. My favorite thing in the whole world.

  2. He is a swinger! Too cute. OH, and I forgot to tell you that I got my glasses, thanks so much!

  3. did you tell him that if he goes up and over he can travel through time?

