Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Bex had the most fabulous first easter ever!! We thought that it was going to be pretty uneventful and Topher had expressed multiple times how UNexcited he was about dying eggs... THEN cousin Meg came to visit! It was awesome. I had someone to dye eggs with, we had family around for easter breakfast and we headed to NYC for a beautiful easter sunday. The egg dying was super fun with only a few bad eggs (Meg and I both had a few spectacular fails!) We watched a movie on Saturday night called Ides of March which was pretty good. We never get to watch movies, so that was a real treat! Then we all woke up bright and early (probably much earlier that Meg is accustomed to) and I made pancakes before jumping in the car and heading to NYC. We had to turn around about 20 minutes into the drive because we forgot Bex's bottles (DOH! I guess that we were just too excited!) We had no problem parking in a garage near central park and we spent the early part of the afternoon in the park. It was gorgeous and TONS of people were out and about. Bex saw his first horse, we found someone else's easter egg hunt, we played with my friend Didi who came to meet us, and we roamed around to a nearby place for lunch. After that we dragged Meg tp another friend's house (the driving in the city wasn't too bad). It was great to see old friends and be with family


  1. Sounds great! And a weekend followed by several days of creamed eggs on toast . . . a fondly-remembered favorite!

    Zia Gianna

  2. Spending holidays with family always make it special! tag

  3. Fun! And yes, driving in NYC isn't bad at all. Kinda surprising. Wish I had been there!
