Monday, February 20, 2012

Impromtu birthday!

The family from Cali have left and it is back to just the four of us: Topher, Bex, Beast, and I. On Grandma and crazy aunt Katie's last night they made Topher a birthday cake since they weren't with us to celebrate. Katie also came bearing gifts including a gift certificate to our favorite pub down the street called Archie Moore's- Bex loves it there because there are TVs everywhere. She also gave me a VINTAGE yale sweatshirt. I mean really vintage. It was Susan's from the 1950s. AWESOME! She also got Bex a wonderful hat pictured below. Also included is a pic of Topher blowing out his candles.


  1. What a cute hat on such a cute little guy!

  2. Glad to hear that sweatshirt has survived and been passed along! I think Susan may have been working at a camp one summer and I tried mightily to appropriate it while she was gone, but she was on to me and reclaimed it when she got back. Definitely older than either one of you!

    Happy birthday, Topher

    Zia Gianna

    P.S. to Lani: I forwarded this link to a friend who said, "Great photos, and just a FEW of them!" Her only previous experience had been with some blogger who posted reams and reams of terrible snaps, so we have an outside opinion (from a somewhat finicky person) of your skill as both a shooter and an editor. Good work!
