Friday, February 17, 2012

Cali comes to visit!

We have our first overnight guests! Bex is super excited that Grandma and crazy aunt Katie are visiting from SoCal. They arrived Wednesday night and we immediately went out for some beers to celebrate. Bex celebrates with his first ever french fry, which he really enjoyed before he choked on it. Last night after Bex went down we had a wonderful home cooked meal compliments of Susan! Bex then had an epically bad night (for him) because he is getting sick yet again. This day care thing is really beefing up his immune system... at least that is what I keep telling myself. Topher and I went to work today and Bex got to stay home with the visitors instead of heading to day care. Here are some pics of Bex eating his first fry and of our lovely dinner at home.


  1. "Crazy Aunt Katie"!!! [maniacal laugh]

  2. What a handsome lad Bex is. Hope he is feeling better!

  3. That first year is a tough one in day care, thats for sure. I hope he feels better quickly.
