Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I just got back from the most fabulous trip to Portland for one of my best friend's bachelorette weekend. It was so wonderful to see good friends again and flying sans Bex was very relaxing! The trip was rounded out with me seeing another best friend that lives in Portland and her little boy that definitely made me miss Bex and seeing Kory and my little furry niece and nephew (her very fun cats who are amazingly well-behaved in comparison to beast). It was really a wonderful trip and Topher was dad of the year and watched Bex all weekend and sent me pictures of all their adventures. I didn't worry about Bex in the slightest and only worried about Topher not getting to relax at all himself. Made me realize how lucky we are to have our little family (even if it is in the wrong location).

Here are some pics from my weekend along with the pics of Bex that I was getting throughout the weekend. First a pic of my bestie Tara, followed by a pic of me and the bachelorette Mary, the girls wine tasting and then 80's dancing, and finally my boy!


  1. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend, but really, with all those neat people around (and a fabulous Bex-sitter) how could you go wrong?

    Your mom

  2. Thanks for the great pictures of your great week end! Good to go and good to get back! Bex is so stinkn' cute! tag
