Sunday, March 16, 2014

Party Time

This weekend was full of birthday parties. I guess that age three is the age that kiddos (and their parents) get really into birthdays. We went to one birthday party at Monkey Joes, the indoor inflatable slide and bounce house and then another one at a friend's house. It was actually really fun to see all the kids playing and to at least meet some of the other parents. Here are some picture of Bex at Monkey Joes and also at work with me on Saturday :)


  1. So big! I am seriously so very anxiously awaiting our summer vacay!

  2. Good post! It surely seems to be a good day. I also want to take my kids out for the party. Therefore, I am looking for good event halls for rent. Their birthday is during vacation time so I need a place where all their friends can be invited.
