Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bexy and ClareBear

We are in the midst of changing day cares for Bex. We are more concerned about changing for preschool which would start next summer but a spot opened up in the new one and we figure it will be easier to move him the younger he is. The only really sad part is that Bex and his bestie will be split up. We will have to start making concrete weekly or bi-weekly plans so that Bex and Clare can see each other still. Here are a few pics of the two of them at Clare's house this weekend. On another note, Bex peed in potty TWICE at school today. Very exciting, but he has yet to show interest at the house!

I almost forgot to mention that they new day care has its own chef and provides all the kids with lunch, so soon we won't have to make a lunch every morning. Yee-haw!!


  1. Breaking up is always hard to do! (There is a song about that from my era.)

    Your mom

  2. Bex's school has a chef? I have to send 5 boxes of crayons with Kin and $10.

  3. Are you going to have to rename your blog bigboybex yet? Seriously! His hair is getting darker and he is turning into a little boy! Not just a toddler. This be crazy! I miss him! I miss you! (!!!!!!!!!!!)
