Thursday, February 21, 2013


Sorry that I've been so bad at posting lately. We have been a little busy here in CT. We are constantly looking at houses to buy, which is very exciting and we've had visitors too. Grandma from California came to visit and we are supposedly having Uncle Colin visit in a few weeks (although I won't believe this, until I see it!) I promise that we have had lots of fun despite being a bad blogger. Here is just one example of what we have been doing to keep ourselves entertained.

Here is the inspiration from Pinterest:

Here is how Bex's hammock worked out. He was quite comfortable and almost fell asleep while reading books:


  1. What a great idea! His own little nest, but close by, contained, and comfy! Good to hear Bex is "reading"--endless hours of quiet fun. And very exciting that you're looking at houses! Che bella vita!

    xxoo Zia Gianna

  2. That is a great idea, and I love that he is about to fall asleep reading. So young, so awesome.
