Friday, December 7, 2012

Festivus for the rest of us

The end of the semester is crazy for teachers. I remember it was hell when I was a student but I hadn't appreciated that it is just the same for the faculty. So much grading!! The good news is that my last week is next week and they are giving presentations so there will be no prep time for me. We hit up KidCity again- because it is so freakin' awesome. Below is a picture of Bex on Route 66 and then doing his favorite activity there- which is painting the wall. Also I am including the only Christmas decoration that we have up. I made Bex a felt tree with ornaments, presents, and a star! Not sure when we will get our real tree up.


  1. Definitely the Bex Boy Blog--no "baby" to be seen!!!

    xxoo Zia Gianna

  2. I'm impressed that Bex can spell his own name. Also, I, for one, can appreciate your comments about teaching. I'm going wacko, but hold on to the fact that it will be over soon.

    Your mom
