Saturday, September 29, 2012


Topher is away at a conference so Bex and I decided to venture out of New Haven to a nearby town where there is an awesome KidCity Museum. I didn't expect too much (it is Connecticut afterall) and was totally WOWED! It was so freaking cool! Bex got to do so much. He went sliding, looked at cool bubbles (he can now say bubble!), picked carrots and weighed them, moved fish up big pulley systems, drummed on walls, drove cars, explored underwater caves, painted a fence and more. We will definitely be back!! I will hopefully post some movies from this next time.


  1. Doh, add that to the list fornext time I visit!

  2. Wow! That looks like some real fun! I guess CT is pretty hip after all!

    Zia Gianna

  3. Look at future Dr. Keller Carroll! Getting his learning on!

  4. Gosh, he's even driving!

    Your mom
