Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The title of this blogpost is not what it sounds like. Tantrum is the name of the place where I took Bex to get his very first professional haircut this weekend. I had been cutting his hair since he was just a few months old and as you can see from the before-haircut picture below it was not a good look. He was a little nervous at first and preferred to sit on my lap but he was a trooper and thought it was funny when the clippers tickled his ears. He was also very proud because he got a certificate showing that it was his first haircut. He held onto the certificate the entire ride home and then put it on the fridge so that dad could see it when he got home. Check out the pics of before, after, and the certificate...


  1. He is adorable in a shirt matching dad's.


  2. Lani, you are a great hair-cutter, too! You just don't give out certificates.

    Your mom

  3. Amazing bit of niche marketing!

    However, the "before" pic charms me more . . .

    I think Bex looks a lot older in his professional haircut. Leaving it long on the sides during Mom's watch worked better for me!

    Zia Gianna
