Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall has fallen

It is so pretty outside with the leaves being bright gold and red and yellow. Bex is enjoying raking the new lawn with us and in particular jumping in the giant piles. It is hard to get a good picture of him because it is so busy jumping and flopping around. Here is my best attempt. Also included in the fall pics is the most amazing squash that Cousin Meg made us. We are definitely going through Meg-withdraws since she cooked us gourmet dinners every night after we got back from work. She is a far better cook then either Topher or myself!! We are going to try and all get together for Thanksgiving too- the east coast Alaskans have got to stay together!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where did it go?!?

Where did October go? I can't seem to find it. I have been so much better about blogging and then I looked at the last date and it was October 5! A lot happened despite the lack of communication. I had a birthday, Colin came to visit, we spend a few nights in NYC, cousin Meg came and stayed with us for a week, and it is officially fall time here. It is a beautiful fall with warm days, cool nights, and lots of fun times with friends. Here are a few pics of some of our adventures. I have a back-log of pics so hopefully I will be better with the updates. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tractor Tractor

Just hanging out at the playground the other day when Bex spotted these beauties across the field. Of course we had to run over and he had to drive them. He really liked the red one but he informed me that the green one had a bouncier seat. He is a sweet boy! Although, he is definitely a toddler and his fits are starting to become fairly often. I totally understand why Lia has her boys outside all the time- so much easier to deal with :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stella is here

This is a special blog dedicated to a new little addition to the world. Stella Matyskeila (yes- it rhymes!) One of my best friends, Mary had a healthy little girl. They are both doing well after a pregnancy and delivery that was shockingly similar to mine. See her adorable picture below. Also included for everyone's amusement- I honestly can't remember if I posted these pictures, so my apologies if they are a repeat. Let's just say- it is never too early to get your kid working in lab with you :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The title of this blogpost is not what it sounds like. Tantrum is the name of the place where I took Bex to get his very first professional haircut this weekend. I had been cutting his hair since he was just a few months old and as you can see from the before-haircut picture below it was not a good look. He was a little nervous at first and preferred to sit on my lap but he was a trooper and thought it was funny when the clippers tickled his ears. He was also very proud because he got a certificate showing that it was his first haircut. He held onto the certificate the entire ride home and then put it on the fridge so that dad could see it when he got home. Check out the pics of before, after, and the certificate...