Monday, August 12, 2013


Bex is newly obsessed with removing all of the sand from the turtle-shaped sandbox at RidgeTop and then the next day filling it back up with sand. It is the perfect toddler activity. We are still going to the pool club daily/weekly despite the lack of beautiful weather. It has actually been just about perfect lately but just not hot enough to jump in the unheated water. Topher's mom was here this weekend which was so fun (pics to follow, next post) and Bex had an awesome time with his Grandma! We went to the Trolley museum, Brooksvale farm, the farmer's market, and the Peabody museum. We packed a lot in a short time. Sad to see her go. In other exciting news- we saw our first cicada. We can definitely hear them and apparently they are starting to fall from the trees, not in very impressive numbers however.


  1. A backhoe or excavator would really speed up his work.


  2. Bex;s game is on its way, but it didn't look as great as I thought it would be.

    Your mom

  3. Can't wait until he starts bringing all that sand home in his shoes!!
