Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Fun!

We had a great weekend! We went up to Northhampton to visit Carlos and Betsy and then I headed to Boston to see Margo's little sister defend her thesis. I saw some old high school friends and it was nice to have a little pseudo-family on the East Coast. I came home today and Bex's awesome early birthday gift came in the mail. He was SO excited to get on his new bike! Check him out!


  1. Bex you are amazing. Please come to AK and spread some Bike love to your cousins, they have no interest. Their mother is going to get HUGE thighs pulling them around until they are teens.

  2. He is getting so big! I think I might cry!

  3. Awesome! Can't wait for spring to really get to you and some outside videos of him zooming around!!

    1. It's Kim, btw, for some reason my login didn't register . . . .
