Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer is trucking along

I have been painfully aware that summer is quickly coming to an end. We are trying to get all the pool time that we can in before I have to start teaching again. Bex loves the pool and has been getting more and more daring. He is usually in a little floaty coat that he calls his "wonky coat" so he can just float around in the big pool. He even goes off the diving board with it when we catch him in the deep end. Here are the some pics of the pool and some of his art that was featured on the main board at his school.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The boy is back!!

Sorry for the very long hiatus. Baby boy turned two and I couldn't keep up with him. I will try to be better about blogging because I had many complaints coming from California and Alaska!! The summer has been packed with lots of pool time and a birthday party a trip to AK and even a tiny triathlon where Bex was the youngest competitor. Here are some pics of the growing boy (90% in height, 80% in weight).